Minggu, 02 September 2018

Tugas 1 PBO A

03 September 2018

Nama : Sherly Rosa Anggraeni
NRP : 05111740000018
Tugas PBO A hari ini ialah membuat profile menggunakan BLUEJ dengan bahasa Java

Source Code : 

  * Write a description of class profile here.  
  * @Sherly  
  * @3 Sept 2018  
 public class profile  
    * Constructor for objects of class profile  
   public profile()  
     // output profil  
     System.out.print ("Tugas #PBOA-Tugas1\n");  
     System.out.print ("Nama     : Sherly Rosa Anggraeni\n");  
     System.out.print ("Kelas    : PBO A\n");  
     System.out.print ("Alamat Rumah : Jl. Karya Timur 1 no 51 D\n");  
     System.out.print ("Email    : sherly.rosa@gmail.com\n");  
     System.out.print ("Blog     : https://rosnisherly.blogspot.com/\n");  
     System.out.print ("No HP/WA   : 089692960270\n");  
     System.out.print ("Twitter   : @Sherly43148684\n");  
Output :

Terima Kasih

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